Why you should see a nutrition coach
By Emily Reilly
By Emily Reilly
In spite of the millions of dollars people spent on weight-loss and health trends the world continues to see numbers for diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other weight related health issues skyrocketing among adults and children.
A health coach will listen to you and guide you in making choices in food and nutrition that will improve your health once and for all.
Instead of simply following the newest diet and fitness trend, buying the next best miracle drink…why not talk to an actual person who will help you figure out what works for you…and how much you want to work for your own fitness goals?
Here are some reasons you should add nutrition coaching to your vacation:
Resolutions or Habits
Chances are, just making a goal to lose weight is not enough. 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions break them. Instead of waiting for January 1st, make a resolution every day when you wake up to improve your health. A nutrition coach will show you how to make small changes that will build up to a lifetime of good health. If you do like using a special date to celebrate making big resolutions and goals, talk to a nutrition coach about how to make sustainable change.
Which diet trend is right?
You are confused about whether meat, protein, carbs, dairy, produce, Keto, Paleo, Vegan, “insert name here-Diet” or the latest supplement are healthy. Every existing diet conflicts with every other diet. How can you tell what is healthy for you? A nutrition coach will help you determine what foods are healthy for you, and your family and what will work for your lifestyle.
You don’t understand why you have gained the weight
Over the years the extra few pounds have stayed on you, but you are not eating any differently and you just don’t seem to see a difference when you go to the gym. As our lives (and activity levels) change our nutritional needs change. A nutrition coach will help you identify simple changes you can make today that will start you on the road to better health.
You are overeating
You have cravings that you don’t know how to handle so you end up eating. You figure that you don’t have any control over the cravings so you just give in, every time. A nutrition coach will help you identify the cause of the cravings and enable you to beat your cravings or binge eating.
Unhealthy environment
If the people around you are overweight or unhealthy you might be hanging around people who aren’t aware of how to make good nutrition choices. You might even be one of those folks. A nutrition coach can help you decipher the truth about what is healthy and what is not.
Crash diets do not work
You want to lose weight fast, so you are considering which “diet” to try. Crash diets usually don’t work. Just like supplements, they have a lot of hype and not as much sustainable follow through. If you severely restrict yourself, you can lose the weight, but when the diet timeline ends you probably don’t know how to eat on a normal, daily basis. A nutrition coach will teach you how to make healthy decisions one meal and one day at a time!
Lacking motivation to take care of yourself
People tell you that eating healthy is just pampering yourself. There are only so many hours in a day and you simply don’t have any time to devote to yourself for exercise, food prep and special recipes. A nutrition coach will help empower you to finally take care of yourself.
You have too much stress
You are stressed out with family and work responsibilities and eating healthy seems like another stress. If you suffer from stress or anxiety, a nutrition coach will help you identify relationship between stress, chronic disease, and how it may cause you to have disordered eating patterns.
You don’t know which changes to make for your family
You know your family needs to eat better but you aren’t sure how to accomplish that with what you know or with the time you have. You may also have picky eaters in your family or different eating philosophies. There are cookbooks, diet books, commercials, restaurants, and products labeled “healthy” on the market, and you need to improve your and your family’s diet. A nutrition coach can help you figure out tactics that will give everyone in your house a way to have healthy meals.
At the eXtreme Fitness Camps, all of our Bootcamp or Weightloss Camp options include a nutrition education component. Our nutritionist will speak with you one-on-one to develop a personal guide for your goals and wellbeing. See our options and reach out with any questions: Nutrition