Weight Gain: What your body is trying to tell you
By Evgenia Profi
By Evgenia Profi
Weight gain is a symptom. It’s your body’s way of telling you that it has a health problem, mental or physical.
Maybe it is time to listen to your body and treat weight gain as a signal rather than an accumulation of calories. A healthy body weight is invariably linked to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Your weight loss journey takes you to a higher understanding of yourself and your needs. It requires reflection and consideration.
A fitness retreat that treats you as an individual and helps you reach your goals both physically and mentally can be the starting point of your new life.
Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and obesity are rapidly evolving phenomena in all modern western societies. The World Health Organization characterizes obesity as the new global epidemic of the 21st century.
Time and time again, we come across people who lost weight only to gain it back after a while. Why is that? Because they treat their diet as a short-term solution. And it’s not. There is so much more to dieting than what we put on our plate. People fail to treat weight gain as a symptom where their body tells them that it has a mental or physical health problem.
As we all know, the intake of excess fat in our body is directly linked to our metabolism. In other words, the amount of food each of us needs to maintain its weight within normal limits depends on the efficiency and speed that our body uses the energy it receives from food. Every person’s metabolism is different due to factors such as genetics (genes in the family), diseases (such as depression or neurological problems), medication (such as antidepressants or steroids) and of course lifestyle choices (such as the level of their physical activity and the food choices).
A key factor that can significantly influence both our metabolism and our eating habits is our psychology. Recent research has found that 70% of people, when stressed, resort to the fridge and consume more food than their body really needs. Metabolism, like all other autonomous biological functions, is largely controlled by the subconscious part of our mind. The problem with obesity, as well as eating control disorders (bulimia, and anorexia) is largely contributed to the effects of the subconscious part of our mind. The psychological programming that serves impulses that we are not conscious of and nonetheless determines both the rate and function of our metabolism and our eating habits.
Although our conscious will and determination may override our internal programming for a short period of time – enough to lose some pounds – it is certain that we will gain even more weight after finishing the diet. The unconscious reasons that push the obese to overeat are much more powerful, and therefore they always outperform the conscious effort and determination. In order to succeed in any change in our behavioral issues of life – in the same way as with our eating behavior – there must be no conflict between the conscious and the subconscious part of our psyche.
Only when you learn to respect your body and your mind and choose to adopt a balanced and harmonious lifestyle will you be able to lose the excess weight and keep it off. You need to be aligned with your psychological needs as well as your bodily needs.
However, the ever-increasing advertising propaganda by slimming institutes, the promotion of miracle-working passive machines, revolutionary pills, and extreme diets not only mislead consumers about the real solution, but they also intensify the problem.
Maybe it is about time you leave behind all the negative and unrealistic thoughts and start re-programming yourself towards a more thoughtful approach to life. Reflection and self-respect can do wonders for your confidence and ultimately for the achievement of all your goals.
Listening to what your body wants to tell you is truly a natural process, and it involves trusting yourself, your feelings, and your thoughts. The right answer is not always out there. Sometimes it is inside us, and we just need to listen. Receive the feedback your body gives you and benefit from this internal alignment that can bring lasting change.
Join a Fitness retreat for a life-changing weight loss journey
A fitness retreat in the Caribbean can provide the warm and welcoming environment you need to embrace your new goal and your new understanding of life. Consider how important it is to listen to your body and respect it’s wishes both physically and mentally.
At eXtreme Fitness Camp at their Weight loss Camp, they teach you how to find balance and internal alignment and make inspiring lifestyle changes. They create a customized program for everyone according to their needs. At eXtreme Fitness Camp, they respect your individual requirements and appreciate your story, your body type, and your aspirations. They offer you the opportunity to reflect and listen to your body at a beautiful beachfront Caribbean location, surrounded by mountains, rivers, and jungles. They will assist you in your weight loss journey and nurture your overall well-being.
Treat weight gain as a symptom and not a problem and embrace your new self!
Harvard Health Publishing, Does Metabolism Matter in Weight Loss?, https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/does-metabolism-matter-in-weight-loss
Medium.com, The misunderstood psychology of weight loss, https://medium.com/personal-growth/the-misunderstood-psychology-of-weight-loss-how-to-lose-30-pounds-in-2016-c26fbd8e16f3
Psychology today, Seven Proven Tips for Weight Loss Success, https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201209/seven-proven-tips-weight-loss-success
Tony Robbins, The only weight loss advice you need, https://www.tonyrobbins.com/achieve-lasting-weight-loss/
Four Rivers Clinic, Your body is talking to you, are you listening?, https://fourriversclinic.com/2013/03/06/your-body-is-talking/