Clueless about what to do at the Gym? We’ve got you covered!
Pre-framing, Part 2
Pre-framing, Part 2
Have you been avoiding the gym for ages?
No need to feel bad about this. A lot of overworked professionals are stuck in the same situation. The work is more and more demanding, life in the suburbs is not as idyllic as you thought, and every day finds you going through the same notions as the day before. Everybody is aware that exercise is good for them, but not everybody hits the gym, at least not with any meaningful consistency.
You pass by the gym on the way home, and all you see is a big scary place full of exercise equipment you have no idea how to use. Going there alone is intimidating, so I guess it can wait. Let’s just go home and relax. Order a tasty takeout and enjoy the new Netflix series. Long day tomorrow, as always, so let’s take it easy.
It’s only normal to feel that way. We all do when we get stuck in the never-ending rat-race of 9 to 5. After eight or ten hours at the office, energy levels plummet, and all you want to do is go home. I get it! I’ve been there, and I’m here to tell you that you can do something about it, if you want. You can change your routine and live a more fulfilling life, with lots more energy, too!
It’s not about going to the gym. It’s about choosing a healthy and active lifestyle. It’s about making the gym a habit and healthier choices the norm. Trust me, your family will love you for it. A healthier, happier you will be a pleasant surprise to all your friends, family, and colleagues. When you feel fitter–and better about yourself–you are going to be so much calmer, and more helpful and understanding. When you are overworked and overstressed, you are not really contributing to any relationship.
You might be thinking that you don’t have the time, you don’t know what to do at the gym, you don’t know anybody there, you don’t have the energy it takes after a hard days’ work. But you know that none of that is the real reason. What is keeping you from reaching your fitness goals is support. At the beginning, you need someone to take you by the hand and show you how to live a more active life. A lot of people decide they want to have a healthier lifestyle, make a big decision, but then they struggle because it’s so hard. People often set big goals and want to have it all at once without realizing that they are actually setting themselves up for failure rather than success. Don’t hesitate to get help. With the right support, before you know it, hitting the gym after work will become a habit, a place to meet friends, unwind, and recharge.
You just need to make a great start, like many others in your situation did, and join a fitness camp. A few days in a new environment, alongside an expert team of people who are there to help, will do you a world of good. At a fitness camp, you can jump-start your workout, familiarize yourself with the exercises and the equipment, learn how to do this right, and, at the same time, enjoy healthy, nutritious food with like-minded people who share the same goals.
At eXtreme Fitness Camps, people there will take you by the hand, teach you everything you need to know, and empower you to continue your healthy path once you get home. This wonderful place in the Caribbean offers many fitness choices alongside the standard routine, such as calisthenics, plyometrics, and HIIT. You get to choose whatever seems more fun to you, and healthy eating is included in the package. They even provide a day trip to their organic Taino Farm–yet another opportunity to have fun and reconnect with nature. There is a great community of people at extreme Fitness Camp, one that offers companionship and understanding.
Think about it. You deserve some time off, some time to reconnect with your true self, an opportunity to restart. Only this time, you can be more in control of your day and your routine. Healthier and happier and more giving to all the people in your life. I’m sure those who love you want you to be healthy and strong.
You can find all the details about the Fitness Camp options at the eXtreme Hotel, and you can get in touch if you have any questions. You can also use the comments if you would like to share your thoughts. We will surely respond.
Hope to see you there!