10 Ways to Mentally Prepare for Weight Loss
By Evgenia Profi
By Evgenia Profi
Do you know the strategies for successful weight loss?
It takes mental preparation, altering your perception, finding motivation, being inspired.
Decide that it is time to change your approach.
You need consistency, the right attitude, and a positive environment.
Weight loss involves so much more than following a diet and selecting specific types of food. The actual process is a combination of factors such as your state of mind and your habits. Although weight loss could be treated as a mathematical equation – eat fewer calories than needed and lose weight – the reality is a lot more complicated than that. The way you approach your goal mentally is the cornerstone of your success.
We were not born to eat sweets or eat junk food to overcome any personal problems. However, we often combine behaviors and feelings with daily eating habits. Look deep inside to realize what situations you have associated with bad eating habits. It could be eating in front of the TV or the computer or ordering out too often.
Often, due to specific emotions, such as anxiety, anger, or frustration, we all tend to overeat. You have to disassociate food from your feelings. What you feel should not dictate what you eat and when you eat it. We often sabotage our own efforts because we simply do not feel well. As a result, the weight loss effort goes to waste because of feeling bored or sad.
Alter your perception of hunger and manage your impulse to eat food for no good reason. For your diet plan to be successful, it is essential to change the way you process your feelings. Stress, anger, depression often lead us to the fridge. A vicious cycle is created, obesity creates negative emotions, and negative emotions lead to excessive eating. Stay mentally alert and avoid the urge to find consolation in eating.
No matter how weird it sounds, slimming starts in the mind. You first have to believe it and really want it. With the right psychology, you can reduce your craving for food, learn precisely what your body needs, find the diet that suits your lifestyle, and strengthen your desire to follow it faithfully.
The right mental attitude plays a vital role in the success of a diet. By setting more flexible goals, people feel more successful, thereby boosting their confidence and continuing their program with greater consistency.
Adopting the right eating behavior is not just about choosing the right food and the right combinations. Getting into a well-organized plan is relatively easy. But a weight control plan is not enough to change the underlying cause that made you gain weight in the first place. You need to identify the reasons that led you to overeat.
According to the American Psychological Association, people who record their eating habits have better results in the long term. So start writing! Recognizing the problem is the initial step that will help you change your approach and escape misconceptions and exaggerations.
Exercise is known to aid the weight loss process. However, many times, we confuse the fatigue of the day, due to overheating or standing up, with actual physical activity. How much time do you spend at your desk? Simple exercise or even a walk will not only burn calories but will also give you the energy and positive state of mind you need to continue your effort.
Support from your friends and your social network can really help your efforts go a long way. Your friends can inspire you, motivate, and even hold you accountable to your own decisions. Never underestimate the influence of a positive environment. Acknowledging and rewarding your progress will give you even more strength to continue. Talking about your progress with friends can boost your ego and strengthen your decision making.
To lose weight, you don’t just need a solid diet plan full of nutritional advice, you also need:
– A new perception of your lifestyle and your daily habits. You need to identify negative patterns and disassociate food from negative feelings or activities like watching TV.
– A good attitude towards your life and your body where you view your eating options as lifestyle choices and not calories.
– A positive environment with good friends who hold you accountable and support you.
An excellent way to kickstart your new life is to join a Weight Loss Camp with a holistic approach. A camp where dedicated people will teach you about nutrition and fitness but will also nurture your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The Fitness Camps based at eXtreme Hotel in the Caribbean offers not only the perfect setting but also the customized support you need for a new beginning!
It is about living the life you choose, not about how much your body weighs!
– Quora, How can I mentally prepare myself to lose weight? https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-mentally-prepare-myself-to-lose-weight
– WebMD, 8 ways to think thin https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/8-ways-to-think-thin#1
– Wikihow, How to mentally prepare for a diet, https://www.wikihow.health/Mentally-Prepare-for-a-Diet
– Aaptiv, 8 Ways to Mentally and Physically Prepare for Weight Loss https://aaptiv.com/magazine/how-to-mentally-prepare-for-weight-loss
– US News, Getting mentally ready to start any diet, https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2017-01-04/getting-mentally-ready-to-start-any-diet