Growth Hormone: what it is and how to naturally boost production
By Evgenia Profi
By Evgenia Profi
The growth hormone stimulates not only growth, but also our metabolism and our immune system. It has significant benefits for the human body, and thankfully, we can naturally boost production if we follow a few healthy tips. In this article, you will find out the benefits and the practices that will help you make the most of the growth hormone.
Human growth hormone (GH)—also known as somatotropin—is a peptide hormone released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. It stimulates growth and the reproduction and regeneration of cells. It is vital for human development.
It is essential for many basic functions in the body, such as muscle growth, bone growth, fat metabolism, immune health, good athletic performance, and mood regulation.
When hormone levels drop, the quality of life is affected, making the individual more likely to become overweight or more susceptible to various conditions. Growth hormone helps children grow and develop into healthy adults.
Growth hormone production follows a specific rate. It is not produced continuously but spontaneously, about 6-12 times a day, with the most substantial amount excreted during sleep. It is also released when other factors take effect, such as strenuous exercise, low blood sugar, and stress. Zinc and the amino acid L – arginine are involved in normal secretion, while insulin prevents the production of growth hormone. According to a study, the levels of growth hormone go up when we go on a restrictive diet, and that eventually slows down our metabolism.
It’s important to note that the intake of the hormone is controlled very strictly by Health Authorities. The administration is subject to approval based on thorough tests. In some countries, even private use is illegal.
· Growth Hormone promotes protein synthesis in numerous tissues, such as muscle, liver, and skin, even in the red blood cells. Mostly because it facilitates the entry of amino acids into the cells. Without the growth hormone, even if we ate a lot of protein, the body would not know how to use it effectively, and we would end up storing more fat. Another notable effect of this hormone is that it increases muscle mass and reduces body fat approximately in the same proportion: that is, if it increases muscle by 1-3 kg, it will reduce fat by 1-3 kg.
· Furthermore, GH favors lipolysis (the breakdown of fat), and it has a hyperglycemic action (it increases blood glucose). That means that GH, in addition to playing an essential role in growth, it supplies the muscles and liver with the energy reserves (fatty acids and glucose) that they need.
· The growth hormone also strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, and improves vision. It also contributes significantly to the healing of wounds. During deep sleep, almost all the organs of the body are in the regeneration phase: the cells repair and regenerate, which is primarily contributed to the growth hormone.
· It is worth noting that the growth hormone helps in the synthesis of collagen – a protein that is prevalent in the body and keeps our cells together. Collagen keeps us flexible, strengthens cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Kids can stretch their bodies, while adults tend to become more rigid over time because they have reduced collagen production, and one reason for that is the reduced secretion of GH.
Obese people are more likely to have low growth hormone levels, so their health is at risk. Studies revealed that this is especially true for those who have belly fat. People who had three times as much fat in the abdomen as those in the control group produced half the growth hormone within 24 hours.
Studies have shown that intermittent fasting increases the levels of growth hormone. Just a day of intermittent fasting is enough to increase your hormone levels by 300%.
Growth hormone production can be significantly improved during night sleep, particularly in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement ) phase. It occurs approximately every 1.5 hours and is accompanied by rapid movements of the eyeballs. Some teens produce up to 40 times more growth hormone in their sleep than during the day.
It is known that insulin blocks the release of growth hormone during the night. That’s why it’s important to eat two to three hours before going to bed. Insulin levels increase significantly after consuming carbohydrates or proteins.
When insulin goes up, the growth hormone goes down. Avoid carbohydrates and sugar, which—in addition to reducing the growth hormone—contribute to obesity. Excess weight also causes growth hormone to decline.
While every form of exercise helps, high-intensity exercise is the most effective for increasing the hormone levels. But for training to work, it must be done regularly.
To increase the levels of growth hormone and kickstart a healthy and active lifestyle, you should consider joining a Fitness Camp. A week in the exotic environment of the Caribbean, with the support of experienced trainers and nutritionists, will do wonders for your well-being. This is an opportunity to embark upon a healthy and energetic lifestyle and form new habits that will keep the level of your Growth Hormone and your spirit high!
Healthline, 11 Ways to Boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Naturally,
Physiopedia, The influence of human growth hormone (HGH) on physiologic processes and exercise,
Wikipedia, Growth Hormone,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Growth Hormone,